Friday, February 25, 2011

this is why I love my best friend

About a week ago, at an ultimate low, I sent my best friend a long-winded and very blubbery email of despair. Unhappy with a lot of things and ultimately feeling a lack of direction, I poured my heart out asking for help. She sent me back the MOST SUPPORTIVE note back. She's so kind to me and has seen me through so much over the years. It's funny that she apologized for not getting back to me sooner when really, I received her reply at the best possible time.

Here is just a snippet of what she wrote me back:

"I just had a thought... maybe the life of adventure as a general category of lifestyle can itself become sort of repetitive... Maybe that's total bogus, but I mean maybe you can reach a point where the generalized experience of newness is old. I dunno. Tangent.

But I do love you and respect you and whatever you do and wherever you go, YOU make it better. That's not your job, but it's a byproduct of who you are. So you definitely don't have to worry about trying to be meaningful or have purpose, because that's intrinsic to Brynn. What you do have to worry about is yourself, not in the sense of pity, but like you are now: planning and knowing that you're worth enough to be intentional with how you spend your life. And all I know is it's going to come in small doses until you find yourself in a puddle of happiness and contentment after you've been through the rough stuff."


How much better is THAT than "oh yeah, you'll figure it out." Or, "don't worry, it will be okay." ? Right? This is why she has been my best friend for so many years. Everyone needs someone like her in their life. She knows me well enough to not be cheesy about advice-giving and well enough to cut to the chase and give it to me how it is. There was more to the message, but it's a little personal. But seriously -- how great is that:

"You're worth enough
to be intentional
with how you spend your life."

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